Bucolic blunder - Anglicans lay turf inside cathedral

(Daily Mail) - Faced with a constant race to raise restoration funds, the wardens of York Minster usually can’t afford to let the grass grow under their feet. On this occasion, however, they have positively encouraged it. This striking scene was created yesterday when the medieval cathedral’s nave was carpeted with 16,000 square feet of special turf ready for a fundraising dinner for 900 guests.


  1. For Anglicans to lay 16,000 square feet of turf inside a cathedral -- in preparation for a dinner for 900 guests -- conveys a lack of respect for the true purpose of the home of God.

  2. Is the heretic Anglican cathedral home of God?

  3. Rather... methinks 'tis more likely a photoshop spoof?

    1. No. It's real. Most of the big British papers covered it.

  4. The story several decades ago concerning Durham Cathedral could nowadays be updated to almost any Church of England Cathedral:

    [Read in a proper BBC objective newscaster's voice]

    York Minster burst suddenly into flames last evening, and just as suddenly - after part of the roof collapsed - miraculously the fire went out. Minster officials claim divine intervention. Officials of Heaven, hen reached by our correspondent,and speaking on a condition of anonymity, said simply that God was sitting on His heavenly throne watching the conflagration when suddenly as the roof collapsed He caught a glimpse inside and instantly put out the fire. The Most High was reported as saying, "Well, that's really lovely. I'll have to go there some day."

  5. Choose your beautiful laying turf with Perfect Turf


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