Syrian Christians fleeing conflict

Moscow, July 5 (Interfax) - About 50 thousand Christians have been killed or exiled from the country - such figures were unofficially voiced by a diplomat returned from Syria, the chairman of State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Vladimir Pligin said.

"I haven't managed to check the figure," Pligin said at a meeting of the United Russia leaders with a delegation from the USA Congress, mostly Republicans.

However, he believes, it should be seriously considered.

The State Duma Committee head did not said if it was a Russian diplomat who had voiced this figure.

Pligin touched the Syrian question speaking about the necessity for Russia and Syria to unite efforts for settling most complicated problems in the world.

First of all, it refers to the "abandoned problems or problems of outgoing states," the deputy said. Later, he told the journalists that he meant "weak countries."


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