"I am the door. By me if any man enter in he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture." - John 10:9 At every parish where I have had the pleasure of attending services, there is always a small group of people who find their way all the way up to the church building but don't actually attend services. At one parish it was a group of male gypsies who talked on cellphones or smoked cigarettes. At another it was a few Protestant husbands who, though they never attended services, opened the parish doors for people as they filed in. At yet another parish the men stood in the narthex and chatted until it was time to receive and then got in line. Latin or Greek Catholic, Eastern or Oriental Orthodox I see the same small throng of men standing next to the front door, but not standing, sitting, or kneeling amongst the people. If it were me (and I can only speak for myself here) this option would be an unsavory one. The boredom would be immediate. The anxiety of som...
I hope it helps change his hard heart...
ReplyDeleteNot an Obama voter but I love this.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard for me to stomach the sight of an actual persecutor of the Church - which Obama very much is - soiling the ground of so holy a place by his presence. People have to stop looking upon presidents as some sort of special "messiah", or VIP, or as a great photo-op. The man is a monster, and if he wishes to enter such a place it should be on his knees, begging forgiveness.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I am disgusted.
Here is a man who is unapolegetic about being a champion for abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, Planned Parenthood, and gay "marriage." Sometimes it is very difficult for me to separate the man from the sin. But in the end, as Orthodox Christians, we need to pray extra hard that the Lord grants him metanoia.
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ReplyDeletey'all need to calm down.
ReplyDeleteIt's weird to see anybody shaking hands with a Patriarch.
ReplyDeleteFor what it's worth, the picture shows a handshake not a blessing.
ReplyDeleteGive me a break. As opposed to the war obsession, disdain for the poor, disdain working class people, active racism, and antichrist market veneration of the Republicans, who floated a raving heretic and whose fundamentalist base would just as soon persecute Orthodox Christians as "not really Christian"?
ReplyDeleteI doubt you'll find either parties ideology acceptable in Christian terms, but, nonetheless, our President's authority comes from God. It is, however, a fact that *any* foreign Patriarch of our Church is likely to unabashedly prefer our current President to his late and unlamented opponent and it is also a fact that Orthodox Christians no doubt voted more heavily for the Democrats than Republicans, seeing the Republicans as unambiguously a greater evil.
I doubt it, but then again most Orthodox people I know are of the Southern variety and don't cotton to the Democrat agenda in general and this president in particular. Regardless, I posted this picture with no political aims.
Delete"our President's authority comes from God."
ReplyDeleteUhhhh...the democrats attempted to take God out of their platform.
I think most of the Church Fathers would consider democracy itself to be heterodox.
DeleteWhen His Beatitude blessed Obama, he was not blessing the man to show approval of his politics. He was blessing a symbol of the United States to honor our nations. I would like to know if Obama, who claims to be a Christian, made a pilgrimage to the Tomb of Christ and Calvary at the Church of the Resurrection (Holy Sepulchre)? As an Orthodox Christian, I will never vote for a politician whose views are as anti-Christian as Obama's.
ReplyDeleteAnd people look at me odd when I tell them I am a monarchist.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's certainly a contrast to having his look-alike play the role of Satan in a televised biblical drama series! LOL!
ReplyDeleteNot a supporter of Obama's policies, but a misguided person is not Satan in the flesh, folks. And, yes, the Scripture says all gov't authority is established by God (sometimes the particulars of whom is in the office is more in the realm of God's permissive than God's prescriptive will, but the biblical record shows even this He uses to his own ends and often as a chastisement to His own people!).
There is no doubt that this administration is a chastisement.