There's a "Keep the Filioque" website. Really.

The point of the filioque is that the Son is also the source of the Holy Spirit along with the Father. The Holy Spirit receives the divine essence not only from the Father, but also from the Son. In the West it has been proper to make the distinction that the Holy Spirit comes from the Father alone with respect to absolute, unoriginate, unbegotten cause, because only the Father is unbegotten and unoriginate, in which case one can say that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father through (διά) the Son. However, in the West it is said that one must at the same time say that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son also, as from a mediate, originated, begotten cause, and that the Son communicates the divine essence to the Spirit in exactly the same way as the Father...
Complete article here.


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  3. I looked at this site. It shows one of the most disturbing developments in modern American Protestantism, the spreading of Calvinism. Because they believe that they have been specially chosen out of the mass of sinful humanity for salvation, dedicated Calvinist also tend to suffer from extreme spiritual pride. Real dialogue with a convinced Calvinist is impossible because they twist the scriptures to fit their theology. They completely ignore verses that do not support their Calvinism, and even have their own version of Greek in which the words are translated not as a Greek would translate them, but with their meaning defined to fit into their preconceived Calvinist theology.

  4. The person who runs this sight is a former Reformed Baptist pastor who converted to Orthodoxy and has since left Orthodoxy and is now a "Continuing Anglican."

  5. re: The Filioque ~ Theological Politics nothing more.


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