Not often you see a Nazi serpent in an icon

Bishop Gorazd of Prague, given name Matěj Pavlík (May 26, 1879 – September 4, 1942), was the hierarch of the revived Orthodox Church in Moravia, the Church of Czechoslovakia, after World War I. During World War II, having provided refuge for the assassins of SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich, called The Hangman of Prague, in the cathedral of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Prague, Gorazd took full responsibility for protecting the patriots after the Schutzstaffel found them in the crypt of the cathedral. This act guaranteed his execution, thus his martyrdom, during the reprisals that followed. His feast day is celebrated on August 22 (OC) or September 4 (NC).


  1. If someone would like to translate the hymns (not machine translation), it would be much appreciated.

    Tropar (hlas 4.)

    Pravoslavných vůdce a moravské církve obnoviteli,
    v Bohu moudrý přední z pastýřů, otče Gorazde,
    jenž jsi s radostí trpěl za Pravdu,
    pros milostivého Boha, aby spasil duše naše.

    Kondak (hlas 2.)

    Uprostřed proudů nejistoty duchovní
    setrval jsi v pravdě jako démant nejtvrdší
    a svému rodnému národu
    zvěstoval jsi cestu spásy, Pravoslaví.
    Po bohumilém životě učitele Evangelia,
    velekněze a pastýře
    přijal jsi trpělivě a hrdinně korunu mučednickou
    od Spasitele Krista.
    Mučedníku, světiteli, otče Gorazde,
    pros za nás v Království Božím.

    1. Hello! I realize this might be a bit late and you might have already had them translated but I can offer a translation.

      Troparion (Tone 2)

      Leader of the Orthodox and renewer of the Moravian Church,
      wise in God and the foremost of shepherds, father Gorazd,
      who in joy suffered for the Truth,
      beseech merciful God to save our souls

      Kontakion (Tone 2)

      Amongst the streams of spiritual upheaval,
      you remained in truth as the hardest diamond
      and to your birth nation
      you proclaimed the road to salvation, Orthodoxy
      After a God-friendly life of a teacher of the Evangelium,
      grandpriest and shepherd
      you accepted patiently and heroically the crown of martyrdom
      from Christ the Savior.
      Martyr, sanctifier, father Gorazd
      intercede for us in the Kingdom of God

  2. I have read his life, but not seen his icon. You are right, it is an unusual and yet beautiful in the triumph over evil, icon.
    Holy St. Gorazde, pray to God for us.
    I can get the gist of the tropar, but not translate properly.


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