Russian Church representatives going to Rome

( - In the evening of October 14, 2014, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Department for External Church Relations, arrived in Rome for an official visit, which will last till October 18.

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the DECR chairman, acting as a representative of the Russian Orthodox Church, will attend the plenary session of the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Catholic Bishops on Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization and address the meeting. During his visit, Metropolitan Hilarion will meet with Pope Francis, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Vatican’s Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity Cardinal Kurt Koch, and will deliver a lecture at the opening of academic year at the Southern Italy Faculty of Theology in Naples.

Metropolitan Hilarion will be accompanied by Hieromonk Stephan (Igumnov), DECR secretary for inter-Christian relations, Rev. Alexiy Dikaev, staff member of the secretariat for inter-Christian relations, and Hierodeacon Nikolay (Ono), postgraduate of the Ss Cyril and Methodius Institute of Post-Graduate Studies.


  1. Hopefully Metropolitan Hilarion can bring Rome back to its senses at this Synod. Some of the garbage coming from that Synod by Modernists like Kasper, Wuerl, et al are shameful, and the interim report, a disgraceful document, is causing earthquakes among those Catholics struggling to follow the teachings of Christ.

    Make no mistake: the good Catholics who are trying to follow the teachings of the Church are grateful to men like Hilarion and others in Orthodoxy who share the same concerns about the family and the dangers of encroaching sodomy.

  2. When they go, can they also explain to the RC's that the divorce/remarry thing in the Orthodox churches is a penitential thing?

    I'm not a fan of it, but it's far better than what Kasper and his ilk probably want.

    In the Catholic world, being in a Byzantine parish right now is like being in the calm are in the midst of a storm.

  3. Ad tell the catholics what the grounds for divorce are in the Orthodox Church:
    Grounds for divorce in the Russian Church

    adultery and a new marriage of one of the parties
    a spouse's falling away from Orthodoxy,
    impotence which had set in before marriage or was self-inflicted,
    contraction of leprosy or syphilis,
    prolonged disappearance,
    conviction with disfranchisement,
    encroachment on the life or health of the spouse,
    love affair with a daughter in law,
    profiting from marriage,
    profiting by the spouse's indecencies,
    incurable mental disease,
    malevolent abandonment of the spouse,
    chronic alcoholism or drug-addiction,
    abortion without the husband's consent.

    See the 2000 Synodal document

    Grounds for divorce in the Greek Orthodox Church in America

    one or both parties is guilty of adultery.
    one party is proven to be mad, insane or suffers from a social disease which was not disclosed to the spouse prior to the marriage.
    one party has conspired against the life of the spouse.
    one party is imprisoned for more than seven years.
    one party abandons the other for more than three years without approval.
    one partner should be absent from home without the other's approval, except in in stances when the latter is assured that such absence is due to psycho-neurotic illness.
    one partner forces the other to engage in illicit affairs with others.
    one partner does not fulfill the responsibilities of marriage, or when it is medically proven that one party is physically impotent or as the result of a social venereal disease.
    one partner is an addict, thereby creating undue economic hardship.


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