St. George manhole covers offend some in Moscow

Moscow, October 24 (Interfax) - The Orthodox Gonfaloniers Union calls blasphemous the project of Moscow canalization manholes depicting St. George the Victory-Bearer designed by the Art Lebedev Studio (see here).

"We consider the manholes a blasphemous abuse of religious feelings: depiction of the saint covers a manhole, the impurities will flow under it, the depiction is intentionally perverted, the depiction of the saint will be trampled upon," head of the Orthodox Gonfaloniers Union and the Orthodox Brotherhoods Union Leonid Simonovich-Nikshich said in his statement conveyed to Interfax-Religion on Friday.

According to him, the project is a subject to Article 148 of the Russian Criminal Code (Public actions expressing evident disrespect to society aimed at insulting religious feelings.)

"We ask Moscow mayor office to renounce these canalization manholes, otherwise we reserve the right to turn to the General Prosecutor Office in connection with intentional insulting of religious feelings," the statement reads.

The Art Lebedev Studio reports that design of the manholes covered was ordered by the Industry, Housing and Utilities Department. The series includes ten covers dedicated to one of the main Moscow symbols - St. George the Victory-Bearer.


  1. Wow...I think it's cute. My kids would love it.
    So many responses, I just don't get.

    Now...had it been done in an "iconographic" style I'd understand the objection.

    Maybe I'm missing something in the translation?

    1. See these. Maybe one will offend. :)

  2. It looks like a Tolkieain elf riding a donkey. My sympathies are with the unfortunate dragon.

  3. So it's okay to put St George on the 10 ruble coin, but a storm drain cover is a bridge too far, eh?


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