Arch. Gerasim overwhelmingly voted for as bishop of Dallas

(OCA) - One hundred and nine clergy and lay delegates representing parishes throughout the Orthodox Church in America’s Diocese of the South gathered at Christ the Saviour Cathedral here on Monday, February 16, 2015, for a special Assembly, during which Archimandrite Gerasim [Eliel] was nominated to fill the vacant See of Dallas and the South.

Archimandrite Gerasim [Eliel] received 81 votes on the first ballot—more than the required two-thirds majority—with the remainder of the votes divided between four other candidates. His name will be submitted to the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops for canonical election at their spring session in March 2015.

His Eminence, Archbishop Nikon, Locum Tenens, celebrated the opening Divine Liturgy and chaired the Assembly. He also will preside at the diocese’s Pastoral Conference, which will conclude on Thursday, February 19. Archpriest Dr. Steven Voytovich, Dean of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, South Canaan, PA, will be the guest speaker.

Since September 2013, Archimandrite Gerasim has served as Rector of Saint Seraphim Cathedral, Dallas, TX. After his graduation from Saint Vladimir’s Seminary in 2012, for which he served as class valedictorian, he served for one year as Assistant Priest at Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral, Los Angeles, CA. From 2000 until 2009, he served as Abbot of Saint Herman of Alaska Monastery under the Serbian Orthodox Church. A detailed biographical sketch is available here (PDF).


  1. Who were the other candidates? I never see their names mentioned and I yet we are told Gerasim was "the most experienced of the five candidates." Well, who are the other four?

  2. The other candidates were:

    Bp. Daniel (Brum), newly consecrated auxiliary for the Diocese of the West
    Bp. Ireneu, auxiliary for the Romanian Episcopate
    Archimandrite Alexander (Pihach), currently the rector of St. Catherine's in Moscow
    Fr. Calinic Berger, whom I don't know much about.

    Fr. Gerasim is considered the most experienced because he has been involved with the DOS for several years now, and currently acts as the administrator of the Diocese and rector of the cathedral in Dallas. He knows and is known by the people of the diocese, and is widely liked. He's young and energetic and culturally a very good fit.

    The other candidates were strong, but, in my opinion, none were the "total package" like Fr. Gerasim.

    We've been waiting a long time, and this is not the first time Fr. Gerasim's name has been put forth by the DOS to the Synod. Here's hoping they approve him this time, and not require him to jump through more hoops.


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