Reporting on the AAC

I'm not trying to avoid reporting on the OCA's All-American Council in Atlanta. There's just nothing so far to report. Things that have been put up for votes have passed easily, clergy are walking around, and it seems important to the OCA's Facebook page to post pictures looking out of hotel windows. Yawn. Should something newsworthy happen, I'll post it.


  1. Aside from the joyful atmosphere of this All-American Council, I thought that there were several notable things that occured: there were very nice video reports done for many of the dioceses, which were wonderful visual tools for those of us who cannot travel to visit each diocese, for the first time there were recap videos done to share all of the activities of the Council (which was terrific for people that were unable to attend the All-American Council, and finally (and most notably), 12,000 was collected spontaneously for IOCC'S work with the Syrian refugees.

    I'm sorry that you thought that the instagram photos that the OCA posted were lame. I loved seeing the pictures everyone took... and not just because they featured some of my boring hotel room view photos, either. :-)

    1. I did post the video reports that I could find when they were made available (hopefully I can find Alaska's and have them all posted). From a blogging perspective there just wasn't much meat on the bone. No back and forth on statutes, no videos beyond the very abbreviated daily ones shared that didn't really say much about what went on (a video thanking volunteers is nice, but it's hardly noteworthy) but I posted them anyway. I'm not saying many of the things from the AAC weren't laudable, they just weren't worth reposting as if you really were involved you saw it first-hand, if you couldn't make it you could follow it all on the Facebook page, and if you aren't in the OCA there wasn't too much compellingly relevant to you.

  2. I meant to also add that the OCA also reinstated youth activities for this council and they were wonderful! The children were very involved in the services, learned several hymns, had educational classes, and took four field trips around Atlanta.

    1. Now that would make a fine report with photos, videos, etc.


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