"I am the door. By me if any man enter in he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture." - John 10:9 At every parish where I have had the pleasure of attending services, there is always a small group of people who find their way all the way up to the church building but don't actually attend services. At one parish it was a group of male gypsies who talked on cellphones or smoked cigarettes. At another it was a few Protestant husbands who, though they never attended services, opened the parish doors for people as they filed in. At yet another parish the men stood in the narthex and chatted until it was time to receive and then got in line. Latin or Greek Catholic, Eastern or Oriental Orthodox I see the same small throng of men standing next to the front door, but not standing, sitting, or kneeling amongst the people. If it were me (and I can only speak for myself here) this option would be an unsavory one. The boredom would be immediate. The anxiety of som...
Seems ROCOR might get burned.
ReplyDeleteBrethern:the abuse I and other faithful Orthodox have suffered in ROCOR for being Orthodox under a heterodox praxis in Western Rite since Mr. Anthony Bondi gained the "confidence" of the Metropolitan - is astounding! Mr. Bondi is still there in the background and has been. He never left ROCOR!
ReplyDeleteMr. Bondi has a long, long immoral and astounding history with the OCA and apparently was promised to be made a "Bishop" of ROCOR attested to by other ROCOR Bishops and clergy alike. He is an "archbishop" of some self-willed something now . . . but he never left ROCOR! Was there a deal struck with "someone" to have Mr. Bondi run things by passing up and passing over the present Dean of WR? Dig. Do some digging yourself.
This entire situation of WR in ROCOR has scandelized me, a Hieromonk of twenty years, to no end and it just never gets better!
I would like someone to kindly tell me, and all of this is on the "Catholic Church of the East's" web site, since when do Orthodox Christians believe in "Our Lady of Fatima?" Since when do Orthodox have "benediction?" or "stations of the Cross?" Or "speaking in tongues" while venerating the Cross and laity receiving "words of knowledge" at the same time? Since when does a certain Subdeacon Bondi send out a "directive" telling all WR clergy that he, and no one else, will "hear" Confessions of Priest's wives when he, himself, has an irresistable attraction to clergy wives in the first place as history shows? Who is a subdeacon, especially this one subdeacon with such a filthy past, given such lattitude? Why do ecclesiastical norms not pertain to Mr. Bondi? The list goes on! Is this now Orthodox Christian praxis? Why does WR of the Antiochians flow along smoothly but ROCOR WR is like clock work convulsed over and over again by such filthy heterodoxy?
Why? Has no other Bishop in ROCOR helped the Metropolitan to curb his gullibility and "Bondi can do no wrong" syndrom and compulsion? The Metropolitan just cannot help himself concerning Mr. Bondi! Why? Oh, let me ask that question, again, WHY is impossible to help the Metropolitan with his "Bondi compulsion?"
Furthermore, why did then "Subdeacon Bondi" have the authority or canonical competance to depose an Orthodox Priest who dared oppose him, then "Subdeacon Bondi?" How many will be destroyed to cover for this man's sins and God knows . . . many other person's sins? Where were all the "other" coward Orthodox clergy who told me these and "other" heterodox practices but never wanted to be counted amongst the martyrs MADE by the leadership of ROCOR? Martyrs made to COVER church people's sin? Who has been repenting in all this infatuation with this evil doer Mr. Bondi?
I have had my fill of all these evil things and more! I have, smaxingly under this preasure, been righteous in all of this. The abuse has been almost soul-killing to me. Do Hieromonks get scandelized? You bet your sweet bippy! No one anywhere was interested in standing for the holiness of Christ in His Church. This is ol'boy church politics on steroids. No, no one wanted to stand with me and say the say the one true thing: REPENT!
"God always chooses the fools of this world to confound the wise."
I, Hieromonk Joshua (Anna), am His chief fool.
Where can details on this be found?
ReplyDeleteThe details are all over the place! In fact all the hyper-Orthodoxy of ROCOR's past is trashed in the actions of this septic ROCOR WR! There is NO love but lot's of filth and dirt right in front of your eyes and everyone's eyes . . . if you but love holiness enough.
DeleteHey , "Unknown" , let's be clear about something , whether one approves of or despises the Western Rite (you clearly are not a fan) , the Ramzi Musallam group known as "Catholic Church of the East" was supposed to be coming in to ROCOR as Eastern Rite , even though to all appearances they have always been Roman Catholic wannabes , very "Latin" , very western in appearance , BUT the ROCOR Western Rite reported on their Facebook page that Musallam's denomination was coming in to ROCOR (at Musallam's request) as Eastern Rite , NOT Western Rite. So don't blame this fiasco on the ROCOR Western Rite.
DeleteI was sick of all the abuses. Let your mind wander. I was ER for many years but wanted to end my life WR. WR is my roots and my holy ancestors cry out for their progeny to know the Holy Spirit's goodness and affiliation with these sacred liturgies for which many died to passon this medicine of healing.
DeleteNot gon'a happen in ROCOR WR with the manipulative finger prints of Bondi all over it. They got rid of the Christ the Saviour Brotherhood now they need to get rid of Bondi's cult and mafia in ROCOR WR.
Saint John Maximovich help us all!
I'd be curious to know more about this situation as well. Looks like the original news piece on the EA diocese has been taken down.
ReplyDeleteNo the "archbishop's" ordination as a deacon is still up here:
"On Tuesday morning, Metropolitan Hilarion celebrated the Divine Liturgy.
During the hours, Schemamonk Ilia (Musallam) was tonsured into the rank of reader and then ordained a subdeacon. After the consecration of the Holy Gifts, Subdeacon Ilia was ordained to the diaconate by Metropolitan Hilarion."
Steve Barrie - he meant the statement by Met. Hilarion regarding the presumed reception of Ramzi Musallam and his denomination "Catholic Church of the East" into ROCOR, first posted on Feb. 6, 2016. That announcement has since been removed from the ROCOR website. This is where it was posted:
But that link now gets a "404 Not Found" error message.
A lot of triumphalism being shown by this blog and various commentators. Like they are hoping it all derails and many showing open contempt to the ROCOR and the Russian church. You all should be ashamed. Go pray for our Metropolitan Hilarion and the ROCOR and the orthodox church is instead of blogging rumors and scandal.
ReplyDeletePravoslavie is still carrying it in Russian, but the CCE site avoids mentioning it. Something is afoot.
DeleteThe ROCOR WR site doesn't mention it which means it is probably a bust.
Western Rite in ROCOR has been run by people ready to compromise Orthodoxy. Although not as bad as the AWRV, this is a mess. ROCOR needs a bit of disciplining and competent people to pull off a Western Rite. If it can't manage that, it needs to back off.
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DeleteR. Michael Warren - Musallam's group was supposed to be coming in to ROCOR as Eastern Rite, not Western Rite , according to what was posted on the ROCOR's Western Rite Facebook page. So whatever the past issues , don't blame the ROCOR WR for this fiasco.
I'm not trying to be a triumphalist nor spreading rumors. I just don't have the nod to post things as there are victims involved.
DeleteJust wanting to see someone pull off a bonafide, Western Orthodox missionary endeavor, one which incorporates the Anglo-Gallican religious heritage of North America. ROCOR seems to constantly be dropping the ball. The AWRV is at times not even Nashotah House worthy in its presentations.
DeleteThis CCE group is more set up to be Western or maybe Maronite rite, but transitioning to Byzantine, outside of using an Antiochian Evangelical or Polish Uniate template here is a bit of a waste of resources.
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DeleteAlex, just to be clear: no contempt for the Russian Church or ROCOR at all . . . just sin. Holiness is not just overlooking sinfulness and giving the "ol'boys" a pass on eternal judgment. There is a difference between sin and live. Going along to get along is not spirituality either. The Lord has contempt for all this hollow falseness.
DeleteAlex, just to be clear: no contempt for the Russian Church or ROCOR at all . . . just sin. Holiness is not just overlooking sinfulness and giving the "ol'boys" a pass on eternal judgment. There is a difference between sin and live. Going along to get along is not spirituality either. The Lord has contempt for all this hollow falseness.
DeleteJerry 'Isaac' Sanders - I think this is the link you wanted:
"More information will follow soon."
ReplyDeleteWell, apparently not ... but one would have hoped for at least a brief clarification from the ROCOR hierarchy, given how the announcement regarding the reception of Ramzi Musallam and his "60 parishes" from the Catholic Church of the East was so suddenly and mysteriously removed from the ROCOR website.
Apologies for delay. Life is getting in the way.
DeleteReal life (Lent and Pascha -- CHRIST IS RISEN ! ) took precedence as it should ... but now thinking back to this odd episode , I'm still sort of curious : does anyone know what really happened ? Is it just one of those things , swept under the carpet , don't ask, don't tell ... or did the situation ever really explode ? Did Musallam and his 'Catholic Church of the East' just go back to vagante land and all continues on as before ?
DeleteWell on his Facebook page he recently posted a link to a YouTube video from August 23, 2015 from the ROCOR Cathedral in Russia. I believe that is the day he was ordained. "08.23.15. Love your God. Sermon by Hieroschemamonk Elias (Musallam)"
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Interesting that there have been no comments from his pal Metropolitan Jonah late of the OCA.
Steve_Barrie - One of Ramzi Musallam's most recent Facebook posts shows that he has moved on definitively from ROCOR (actually he was deposed by Met. Hilarion, but he doesn't mention this , of course) and has now been ordained as a BISHOP by some Greek Old Calendarist group. Now it appears that Musallam intends to head up some organization known as the "Palestinian Orthodox Church" which seems like it will just be his old Catholic Church of the East sect , re-branded as the "Palestinian Orthodox Church" and with the veneer of Orthodoxy (false and schismatic as it may be ; it will fool some who don't know any better ) provided by this Greek Old Calendarist group
Strangely the video of the sermon you mentioned , by "Hieroschemamonk Elias (Musallam)" , is still posted on the YouTube Channel of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Washington DC . I wonder why the ROCOR cathedral is content to leave this video up by the former (deposed) Hieroschemamonk Elias (Musallam) ?
ReplyDeleteThe leader of WR in ROCOR. An apostate and make-believe "bishop."
"Unknown" , your link does not lead to the ROCOR Western Rite. The hierarch in charge of the Western Rite parishes associated with ROCOR is Metropolitan Hilarion and under him the Dean of the ROCOR WR is Fr. Mark Rowe.