Squad goals


  1. What it is supposed to mean exactly?

    1. Yeah, despite having 5 kids myself, I really don't get this fetishization of large families. It's kinda up there with the romanticized views on rural/village life

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  4. The husband and wife happily bear the cross of a large family, witnessing to the sanctity and dignity of human life. The cross is “precious and life-giving” as we say. By joyfully embracing the cross and faithfully living the command to "be fruitful and multiply," we find life eternal.
    - A Byzantine Catholic priest and father of eight children

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  6. Sorry, Father, but if the brother in question saw an Orthodox or Byzantine Catholic priest with many children, he would freak out. I don't share his views. Many of us knew a pious priest from St. Tikhon's Seminary who had nine children. A Subdeacon friend of mine has six.Meantime, the Muslims breed like rabbits and the leftists have nothing to day about that. Look how the Kosovar Albanians bred the Serbs out of Kosovo!

  7. Yes, Islam will conquer through the womb. Why are Christians choosing not to have children? Self-centeredness. Self-centeredness is always suicide in the end. Christians will have no one to blame but themselves when the world turns Muslim.

    1. But what could be more self-centered than having a bunch of kids in order to out-breed the Muslims? You sound like that "quiver-full" Duggar family on TLC.

    2. Having a "bunch of kids in order to out-breed the Muslims?" That's silliness. For Catholics and Orthodox, children are the fruit and supreme gift of married love.

    3. Maybe Muslims think so too, and are not trying to "conquer through the womb."

    4. "Conquer through the womb" was the phrase used by Gaddafi. Many other Imams have said the same thing. Western Europe is proof that it is working.

    5. The future belongs to those that show up for it. If a society is so selfish that it refuses to have the "burden" of children, it will be replaced by those who accept that "burden". And such a society probably deserves to be replaced (at least those in that society that have fallen into that selfishness).

  8. While it is true that Islam continues to grow through sheer birth numbers, while the number of Christian children dwindles...children are born, not bred. Breeding is for animals. Regardless of her faith (or lack thereof), a woman who gives birth to many children is not a breeder. It may just be a matter of semantics, but the word implies that such children (& their mothers) have less human dignity than those with few or no children.

    1. Sorry for the offensive words, but that is exactly what the Turks did to the Greeks, Serbs, and other Balkan Christians. A Turkish governor could help himself to the bride on her wedding night.
      In case you think I'm just trashing Moslems or the Turks, English lords exercised similar rights over Irish tenants as late as the 19th century.
      But I am convinced that Islam believes in the noble lie, just like Nazism and Communism. It's permissible to lie, cheat, steal, or kill, to advance the cause. Wheras Canon Law specifically forbids Christians to cheat someone because he may be a Jew, Pagan, or nonbelievers.

    2. I dunno, I think I caught a few lies in your post. But you're probably just trying to follow that part of the Gospel where Christ says to hate your enemies.

    3. Aren't you Armenian? Didn't the Turks do such things to your people also? Who said anything about hatred? Loving your enemies does not mean going along with any evil they might be practicing. Can you honestly say Nazis, Communists, and militant Moslems have not killed millions in the name of their belief? How do you know I DON'T pray for such people? Point out the lies, please.

    4. To begin with, there's no good evidence that Ottoman law allowed right of prima nocta. While rapes must have occurred with some regularity, that could be said of most places. As for taqiyya, it is accepted only by some sects of Islam, and has only limited application within them.

      Orthodox people have been responsible for mass rape and ethnic cleansing, e.g. in Bosnia. Is Orthodoxy, then, evil? If you distinguish between the religion in general, and a few "bad apples" within it, why not do Islam the same courtesy? After all, most Muslims are just ordinary people, much like you or me, and have the usual mix of good and bad. (I'm afraid the same is not true of Nazis.)

  9. For those that wondered why I posted this... I have a large family, I support large families, and it the Cross of Christ that sanctifies our efforts as parents to raise our children in the faith so that they might do the same.

    1. Setting aside the family size issue, you have to realize that the picture comes across as creepy. I can totally see it spreading on humor sites, maybe with some kind of caption contest. ("Luke tries to balance his Jedi Academy students with new gf Rey.")

    2. What an odd thing to say. I’m sure pop culture could parody much about Orthodoxy, but that’s not going to dictate what gets posted.

    3. Drawing a cross as a mix of a tennis racket and a children carrier is a parody indeed but not by "popculture" but the person who drew it and those, who share this nonsense.

    4. Thanks for visiting. It was a joy to have you stop by as always.

    5. Gracious. You people are absurd.

      Father, it was a very nice drawing.

    6. Ask your Muggle friends for their honest opinion.

  10. OK, amazing where a pictorial representation of a Christian family can bring forth such visciousness. I guess the devil hates the Cross no matter how it is expressed.

    It is a bit romanticized but accurate and it does not matter how many children you have.

    1. And what amazes me is how often Orthodox Christians sound like white supremacists.

    2. May the blessings of the Holy Trinity and the life giving Cross be with you, Zla'od.

  11. I will only say that Islam and Christianity are in no way equivalent. Violence done in the name of Christ is far more foul than the inherent violence of Islam.

  12. Yikes, another image feeding the "children are a burden" truism...

    1. No that is not what the image says at all. In fact it says just the opposite. It says that through Christ all can be born with joy and thanksgiving as it works to salvation and victory.

      Simply do not understand how you could interpret the image in such a wrong way.


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