Synaxis of Hierarchy of EP to meet in Constantinople

(EP) - The Chief Secretariat of the Holy and Sacred Synod has announced that following the previous Synaxis of the Hierarchy of the Ecumenical Throne, which took place three years ago with great success (2015), the next Synaxis of all Hierarchy of the Venerable Throne “from all the ends of the oikoumene” will convene at the Sacred Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul from September 1-3, 2018.

The purpose of this Synaxis is to inform the Metropolitans and Archbishops of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of current ecclesial affairs and provide them with an opportunity to exchange ideas, but especially to strengthen the sacred bonds among them and with the Mother Church.

Prior to the meetings of the Synaxis, to be held at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Stavrodromion, Istanbul, the invited members of the Hierarchy will jointly inaugurate the new ecclesiastical year on September 1st with a service at the Venerable Patriarchal Church, where, through the intercessions of Panaghia Pammakaristos, they will invoke the grace of God for the stability of the holy Church and the peace of the whole world.


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