Archons award-winner Cuomo delights in murder of unborn

Let's not forget that this man is a recipient of the Athenagoras Human Rights Award. I guess this is who one picks when Nero is no longer alive.

(Daily Wire) - On Tuesday, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, delighted that the New York legislature passed the Reproductive Health Act, which would allow mothers to kill (pardon me, abort) their babies up until birth, celebrated this legalized murder by ordering that the spire at One World Trade Center, the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, the Kosciuszko Bridge and the Alfred E. Smith Building in Albany all be lit in pink on Tuesday night.

HORRIFIC: The One World Trade Center is lit up pink tonight to "celebrate" the passage of a bill that legalized abortion until birth for any reason.

— Live Action (@LiveAction) January 23, 2019

Cuomo chortled, "The Reproductive Health Act is a historic victory for New Yorkers and for our progressive values. In the face of a federal government intent on rolling back Roe v. Wade and women's reproductive rights, I promised that we would enact this critical legislation within the first 30 days of the new session - and we got it done. I am directing that New York's landmarks be lit in pink to celebrate this achievement and shine a bright light forward for the rest of the nation to follow."
Sort of reminds me of Nero's Torches. Lighting of fires here replaced with a pink bulbs.
Cuomo also said on Tuesday, "It's bittersweet. There is a bitterness because we shouldn't be here in the first place. We should not have a federal government that is trying to roll back women's rights ... This administration defies American evolution."

Cuomo has been a long-standing champion of murdering the unborn and contemptuous of those people who are pro-life, saying they had “no place in the state of New York.” In 2014, he blustered that the reason for gridlock in his state was a “schism” within the Republican Party, snapping:

It’s more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans. You’re seeing that play out in New York. … The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE Act — it was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate. Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.

Cuomo said earlier this month that he wanted to enshrine the capacity to abortion at any time into the state constitution, saying, “I want to pass a constitutional amendment that writes into the constitution a provision protecting a woman’s right to control her own reproductive health, We’ll pass it next year; we’ll put it onto the ballot; we’ll write it into the constitution…” He also stated, “I have no doubt that Gorsuch is going to reverse Roe v. Wade. So what do we do? Protect ourselves. Pass a law that is a prophylactic to federal action.”

According to the New York State Department of Health, 87,325 abortions took place in New York state during 2016. According to The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there were 93,096 abortions in New York during 2015. The Guttmacher Institute reported that there were roughly 119,940 abortions in New York during 2014.

Business Insider reported in February 2017 that New York had 95 abortion clinics, the second most of any state in the nation. Only California, with 152, had more.


  1. At least we know what these church leaders value fundraising and fame over babies lives. It’s actually quite valuable to know where they stand.

  2. I followed the link and found that Cuomo got the Athenagoras award for help (not enough help as it turned out) in building the St Nicholas Shrine in NYC. How is that a "Human Rights" issue at all?

    1. And we all know how that story has turned out...

  3. Makes you want to sit down and weep for our holy Orthodox Church when you read that profiteering is more important than following the Gospel mandates of our Savior. We see this sort of thing more often these days.

  4. Sadly nothing has changed since I sent this letter to the Archbishop and also to my local bishop at the time, Met. Anthony of San Francisco (of blessed memory):

    Master Bless

    It deeply saddens me to read on our archdiocesan website about your recent "cordial and friendly" visit with Senator Paul Sarbanes. As you well know, Senator Sarbanes is one of the leading voices for abortion in the Senate. You know that our Church considers abortion to be murder of innocents. The Senator does everything in his political power to assist the continuance of these murders.

    As spiritual leader of our archdiocese, why, your Eminence, do you not call him to account? Why is this man continually held up as a role model for the Greek Orthodox when in fact he is complicit in the murder of millions? Why do you not exercise the authoritative voice God has given you as our Archbishop and call this man to repentance and declare his actions to be anti-Christian?

    Roman Catholics can be proud of their bishops who have recently called to public repentance Roman Catholic Senators who share Sarbanes' views. It is a shame, and one for which some will be called to account on the day of Judgment, that we do not have such leaders in our own Church. I plead with you your Eminence to become such a leader and to speak out on behalf of the millions of innocents who are slaughtered with the aid of the likes of Paul Sarbanes. Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

    As we prepare for the Feast of the Nativity, no greater message could be given by you in this season of the Church.

    Respectfully in Christ,

    Priest Seraphim Bell

    1. As long as we continue the insane practice of celibate bishops this will continue. Choosing men simply because they're single doesn't work. It guarantees that you pick people with just about zero talent and power madness. But the archbishop taught at Harvard! Sure. He was a guy with a funny hat and a funny accent. Harvard loves a good token. They couldn't care less about the christian faith let alone the Orthodox faith. If you've ever heard him speak you know how incoherent he is. But Bishop Anthony had 2 PhD's! Another incoherent mind. His clergy would cringe as he celebrated the liturgy. They couldn't escape and they never knew what he would do next. Single men do not belong in the clergy. If they must be single there is Mt. Athos.

    2. If you want to invite problems, by all means place bishops in the untenable role of being shepherds of thousands, husbands, and fathers all the while keeping a travel schedule and being accountable for everything their family does.

    3. It is a problem that bishops are sometimes chosen from among the handful of clerics who happen to be single. But I think a better solution (than married bishops) is to work harder to build up monastic life and draw bishops from the ranks of actual monastics.

  5. Thank God for priests like you. May the Lord richly reward your pastoral ministry.

  6. So is this enough evidence to defrock all the Greek Orthodox bishops how many participated in the walk for life. Perhaps all that did not should be deposed. Isn't it time to bring the church back to Christ? Just got out of the hospital .Presbyterian hospital could not find a Greek Orthodox hospital .Wonder why? I shed a tear where are our moralities? Is Jesus really happy with us?

  7. As a former county pro-life chairman/speaker and having made several trips to the March for Life, I have never seen a Greek bishop at any pro-life events. Abortion doesn't seem to be an issue with them. The OCA and ACROD are the only diocese that seemingly care about the abortion issue.

  8. Thank you for this post. As a convert from Catholicism to Orthodoxy, I was stunned a few years ago to have the protopresbyter of a large Greek Orthodox Church tell me “I have no interest in pro-life issues whatsoever.” I was equally stunned when Senator Sarbanes, Andrew Cuomo, etc were honored. Now I understand that this callous death-dealing indifference flowed from the top. All is clear now about every form of disrespect to the human person as image of God shown before and after birth by certain hierarchs and elements of the GOA. Lord have mercy and awaken them from delusion!


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