The floccinaucinihilipilification of tomos restrictions

In keeping with the Constantinopolitan understanding of the "diaspora" being the exclusive preserve of the Ecumenical Throne, the tomos granting autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) stipulated that the parishes outside of Ukraine (e.g. UOC-KP and UAOC churches) would fall under direct EP control and that the OCU would not open churches outside her canonical territory.

(Kyiv Post) - The Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) began its operations in Slovenia on March 31, the Ukrainian embassy to this country reports, adding that the first Holy Liturgy took place in the church of Saint Urh.

“The Orthodox Church of Ukraine began its operation in Slovenia on March 31. Ambassador Mykhailo Brodovych and his wife, embassy staff and representatives of the Ukrainian community in Slovenia visited the first Holy Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, which was served in the church of St. Ur h,” the Ukrainian Embassy to Slovenia said on Twitter on March 31.


  1. When do the American Ukrainian parishes start commemorating Mr Epiphany?

    1. Under the plan they never will. EP.

    2. Yes, they already do. Example: Philadelphia’s St Nicholas Church, formerly of the OCA but bolted for the “Kievan patriarchate” a couple of years ago. Their website is clear that they honor “Filaret” and “Epiphany,” not the deluded narcissist patriarch of Constantinople. Apparently, they prefer Ukrainian and Russian deluded narcissist leaders to Greek ones.

      Check out their website, in the “about us” section:

      Such a disaster. I was at a friend’s wedding at this parish more than 20 years ago when it was in the OCA DoEPa. Now it’s run by a bunch of Ukrainian nationalists.

      I’ve heard that pretty much all of Filaret/Epiphany’s churches in the USA will continue to commemorate their Ukrainian nationalist patriarch, not the Greek narcissist one in Constantinople.

  2. Isn't that also Serbia's canonical territory?

    1. Also, the EP violated Serbian canonical territory in the 1920' s when they interfered in the Czech Orthodox Mission. The Patriarch of Serbia had consecrated Gorazd Pavlik as Bishop of Prague. The EP consecrated a rival bishop, Savatty, a Czech from Ukraine.

  3. I wonder if the chaotic nature of the schismatics will upset EPB enough to change course; in so far as he has already been disobeyed and undermined repeatedly and must realize sooner or later that he can’t control them, or if the political/monetary benefits will keep him content regardless.

    1. The impression I have is that Fener thinks that once Filaret dies, everything will get better.

    2. That would be wishful thinking in the best of circumstances, but its outright fantasy when you realize that the craziest person in the room aka Mr. Filaret, personally chose and groomed his schismatic successor, aka Mr. Epiphany. The apple hasn’t fallen far from the rotten tree. Saints raise up saints, schismatics raise up schismatics.

      Honestly though, the biggest problem is that these aren’t earnest Christian leaders trying to work out their salvation and lead their flock to Christ, they’re nationalists trying to declare their independence and establish cultural ‘purity’.

      If their chief concerns were spiritual, repentance and reception into the Church in a canonical fashion would be a small price to pay for the safety and wellbeing of both their own souls, and the souls of their flock.

      Instead they are forcing their will upon the Church and willing to risk endless schism in pursuit of nationalism and independence.

      If they showed any repentance and desire for peace with their mother church, Moscow, this would be a totally different situation and discussion.

  4. According to cnnn today Pat Bart is moving his kathedra to Kiev. Turkey had paid him 2 billion for the phanar. This way they can redevelop the area. The new liturgical language of the greco-ukrainian patriarchate will be kievian Ukrainian. Stay tuned for new developments

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Is the church on the Ukrainian embassy grounds (in which case one could argue that it was on Ukrainian territory) or is it actually in Slovenia?

    1. Apparently, it's this church on a hill outside Ljubljana:

  7. Perhaps as the Serbian Orthodox Church has been so hostile to the independent part of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church the latter has decided to maintain its parish in Ljubljana until it can be a representation to the Belgrade Patriarchate...

    1. It's not maintaining an existing parish, it's starting a new one.

    2. Samm You are wrong:"The Divine Liturgy was performed at the request of the Ukrainian diplomats to Slovenia in a Roman Catholic Church which was kindly offered for this Divine Liturgy by the local Roman Catholic Metropolis." No new parish - a Divine Liturgy for the embassy staff at their request.

  8. I am really surprised that this article would be posted on this site without seeking verification. RISU is a questionable site run and funded by the Ukrainian Catholic Church. You can find the truth here:

    "The Directorate of External Church Relations of Autocephalous Church of Ukraine gave clarifications on the Divine Liturgy that took place a few days ago, on March 31, in the Catholic Church of St. Urkha in Slovenia.

    According to the announcement, information that has come to light concerning the Divine Liturgy officiated by the Archpriest Vasily Kuchirka in the Catholic Church of St. Urkha in Slovenia, “has no ground in reality.”

    As reported, “the Orthodox Church of Ukraine has not established and does not intend to establish its own parish on the territory of Slovenia.

    The Divine Liturgy was performed at the request of the Ukrainian diplomats to Slovenia in a Roman Catholic Church which was kindly offered for this Divine Liturgy by the local Roman Catholic Metropolis."
    Also regarding all the speculation: "It should be emphasized that the alleged concern of Moscow-related SMEs regarding compliance with the terms of the Tomos, which is not recognized by Moscow, and the rules, which are regularly violated, provokes great derision, especially when this occurs on April’s Fool Day”.

  9. I was just posting this article as I saw your comment come in. This story was reported with much verification. There were no fewer than 5 English-language articles on this. So there shouldn't be "surprise" at me posting this. I have held back on numerous stories with no corroboration. This is not one of those.


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