On Mount Saint Macrina

(SQPN) - Every year, thousands of Eastern-rite Catholics gather in a small Western Pennsylvania town on pilgrimage to Mount Saint Macrina. Tom and Noelle Crowe explain how the pilgrimage started and what Pope Pius XI and Archbishop Fulton Sheen had to do with it.


  1. Father bless.
    Fr. Joseph,
    Please clarify for me why this report is broadcast. It promotes heresy, false and demonic apparitions/visions and promotes a divided Church with its "two-lung" reference. Is it to show that these heretical teachings exist within the RC confession and to beware or...?
    Doxa to Theo, Confused Orthodox
    Father bless.

    1. https://byztex.blogspot.com/2019/07/a-word-on-this-blog.html

      The blessing of the Lord.

      I'm not a "two lungs" person, but I will post about things even if I disagree with them. Some number - maybe even most - readers have no experience with Greek Catholicism so they have no idea what they believe.

  2. Sometimes, one needs to know what's going on in the other camp. Many Uniates believe that they are Orthodox in communion with Rome!

  3. Father bless.
    Eastern [Byzantine]Rite Catholics would not consider themselves Greek Catholics. They are Uniates, though they would consider this a derogatory term, as it should be if one is familiar with the history of Uniatism. Their saints such as Josephat the Malevolent,the "Uniate Hitler"see[http://orthodoxinfo.com/ecumenism/josaphat_malevolenaspx]among other atrocities murdered Orthodox by burning them alive in locked churches.Though appearing "Orthodox" their theology is heretical Roman Catholic heterodoxy with belief in the papacy and papal infallibility, the Immaculate conception, use of the filioque, created grace, no illumination, purification,and deification, and no theosis either.Why not post something on Islam or Buddhism for readers who have no experiences of them.Perhaps in the future some 'compare and contrast' info might be helpful in how Uniate/Greek/Byzantine Rite RC differs from Orthodoxy.
    Former Uniate now Orthodox
    Doxa to Theo.
    Father bless.

  4. >>> ... their theology is heretical Roman Catholic heterodoxy with belief in the papacy and papal infallibility, the Immaculate conception, use of the filioque, created grace, no illumination, purification,and deification, and no theosis either ...

    What planet are you living on? How about starting with the the three part "catechism" put out jointly by the Eastern Catholic Churches in the U.S (https://store.godwithusbooks.org/faith/light-for-life-part-one—the-mystery-believed/). I doubt you could find anything within it that you could be critical of, it is thoroughly Orthodox. What the heck is a "Byzantine Rite Roman Catholic". And equating Eastern Catholicism with Buddhism and Islam? "Former Uniate", really? If so, you must have been just as much a "Confused Uniate" as you are now a "Confused Orthodox". The unfamiliarity of many Orthodox with basic Roman Catholic theology, much less Eastern Catholic theology would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. I commend the author of this blog for at least attempting to expose fellow Orthodox to at least a little bit of other side, it is hardly an endorsement.

    And BTW, the above podcast is from a RC perspective on EC's, and reduces EC's to a "rite", instead of Churches instead of Churches in their own right, which is the proper understanding. Not only are EC's largely misunderstood by some hostile Orthodox, but just as often by RC's who are view them through a distorted latincentric lens. Seriously, if you sat down with me for a little while, you would find very little difference between us.

    His Mercy Endures Forever



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