Healing of the Healers: Clergyman as Penitent
It will surprise no one who follows this blog that I am a rather dedicated Newrome Press reader. This is especially true of their Hieromonk Gregorios series. His booklets are often the very thing my parishioners are looking for when they have a question about a myriad of topics. So I'm happy to note the publication of "Healing of the Healers: Clergyman as Penitent" and hope you navigate over there for a bit to see what is on offer.
(Newrome Press) - In the Church, Christ’s clinic, his co-celebrant practices the science of healing, for he is the one who “will refashion the creature, who will restore the image and create citizens for the world above, and greatest of all, be God and make others God.”
Saint Maximos the Confessor compares the Priesthood to a ray of light from the sun which transmits its brightness to healthy eyes: “Just as a beam of light gently attracts healthy vision, which by nature rejoices in the light, and transmits its own brightness, so also true priesthood, being, through all that it is, an outward imprint of the blessed divinity for those upon the earth, draws to itself every God-loving and divinely disposed soul and transmits its own knowledge, peace and love, so that once it has brought each potentiality of the soul to the limit of its own actuality, it may place beside God those who have been deified in all things and initiated by it in the mysteries. For the end... of true priesthood is both to be deified and to deify.”
Father Michael Monos does wonderful work!