Byzantine Film Festival launches soon


  1. Be careful what you decide to watch. One of the offerings is from the crazies at Orthodox in Dialogue which tries to push the "Climate Change" theology. It's called, "The Face of God, the Orthodox Church on Climate Change." I could not even bear to watch the trailer because it features the Fordham heretics.

  2. Replies
    1. Oh my Lance, such sophistry. Atheistic science or neo-pagan science is. Science built on the revelation of the Risen Christ in His creation is not.

      No patience for scientism that seeks to replace God and the Risen Christ saying "I know more, I am scientific."

      Lord save us from the arrogance of our own minds

  3. Climate change is fake news, and the Fordhamites teach heresy. Hope that clears it up for you.

    1. You are sadly mistaken with a politically warped epistemology: your mind has been made up by oil companies. Orthodoxy has nothing to do with defending their defilement of God’s earth by denying science.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Dear Lance,

      If you care to believe the globalist liars regarding climate change...that is your free will. But please don't vote for Biden because you think that Trump is a climate change denier. There is one really important reason that all Christians need to vote for Trump. The heretical Fordhamites seem to think like you. Please watch this:

    4. Lance, calm down. Orthodoxy is not an ideology at all so we have to be careful that we don't jump in the bucket with the neo-Marxists that are quite prevelant in the so-called Green movement.

      "The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof."

      The fact of the matter is that any technological or political
      "cure" will not help. It just relocates the damage. It also stirs up anger between brothers God forgive.

      The only solution lies in a dedication to fasting and almsgiving in prayer and thanksgiving.

      Take care of yourself and the environment under your immediate control. Share your joy and bounty with others.

      Let God give the increase.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. And if I may ask, exactly who is Mikail and of what church is he a hierarch that authorizes him in consort with the other bishops of the church to declare who is and who is not a heretic? I mean seriously... aren't we all on some level.... heretics? Sinful? etc?

    1. It is quite obvious that the Fordhamites are heretics Mr. Thickheaded. Read their writings and comments and you will see. As far as all of us being heretics on some level...speak for yourself.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. James, your comment is more sophistry and a bit like saying "You're mother wears combat boots" It is ad hominum in nature. Therefore extremely weak.

    We are all called upon to recognize heresy and not just in our own hearts and stand against it.

  8. I know a woman a Canadian chemist who teaches and works experimentally. A lover of knowledge and of science. She was quite content and did not think much of God one way or another but she has a significant Seminole ancestry too.

    Them one day as she was working on an experiment she saw "The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ". That was the only conclusion she could come to. The data were quite clear.

    She went in search of a theology that gave context a to what she had seen. In a rigorous manner she eventually came to the Orthodox Church and Her theology of the Incarnation, Death and Ressurection. It was the only way to adequately explain and contextualize what she saw.

    That is science. Anything less is full of man's ego and lust of power both of which are bad for the planet.

    She still works as an experimental chemist BTW.


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