Russian hierarchs of Western Europe meet

(ROC) - On October 22, 2020, a meeting took place between Metropolitan Anthony of Chersonesus and Western Europe, Patriarchal Exarch for Western Europe, and Metropolitan Ioann of Dubna, head of the Archdiocese of Western European Parishes of Russian Tradition.

In the course of a long fraternal talk, the archpastors dealt with numerous issues concerning cooperation between the two canonical structures of the Moscow Patriarchate in France and other countries in Western Europe.

The hierarchs also discussed preparations for the celebrations of the first anniversary of the unification of the Archdiocese with the Russian Orthodox Church.

It is supposed that if the actual epidemiological situation in Paris allows, on November 8 Metropolitan Ioann and Metropolitan Anthony will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and thanksgiving at the Cathedral of St Alexander Nevsky on rue Daru, the website of the Diocese of Chersonesus reports. 


  1. Would it not make sense if all three,,,,rocor, mp,paris group all unite into on metropolitan district of europe, with an archbishop or bishop for each country. I bet if this happened that the Russian parishes that affiliated with the dark side,the greek diocese, would come back home. We need to unite,create national dioceses within political boundaries, and the Russians are best suited for this based on their records. The hellenism of the Greeks trumping basic christianity is a game spoiler. We need a vision as to where we will be in fifty years and have a plan as how to get there. Russians united now will be an excellent beginning

  2. We need a vision as to where we will be in 50 years

    The complete absence of any forward thinking along these lines astounds me. There are some pretty striking trends out there, and the hierarchs are just paralyzed.

  3. Egos always get in the way,,,yet jesus told us to check our six guns and egos at the door before we entered his house


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