Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlachos) is first to receive vaccine

(Greek City Times) His Eminence Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlachos) of Nafpaktos and Agios Vlasios, representing Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece, received the coronavirus vaccine on Sunday.

The Metropolitan of Nafpaktos is the first hierarch to be vaccinated against coronavirus in Greece.

It is recalled a few days ago, Metropolitan Hierotheos in an interview emphasised that vaccines are responsible for the increase in life expectancy. “Vaccines boost the body’s immune system to fight off viruses. I have also been vaccinated, because otherwise I probably would not be alive and every year I get the flu vaccine. But I will also take the new vaccine after the approvals of the competent Organizations and the decision of the Holy Synod and the suggestions of my treating doctors.”

Earlier on Sunday, Greek President Sakellaropoulou, Prime Minister Mitsotakis and professor of Pathology and Infectious Diseases, Sotiris Tsiodras, were vaccinated.

“This is an important day for all of us, today we can be optimistic,” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said upon his arrival at Attikon Hospital.

The first Greek to receive the coronavirus vaccine was Efstathia Kambissiouli, head nurse of the intensive care units at Athens’ Evangelismos hospital.

“In my person, all health professionals are being honoured and (it) is a recognition of our work and our contribution. I hope a new page is turned on today, but we got a lot of way to go, we must adhere to measures and hold fast to our goal and when we are all vaccinated we can take our lives back,” she said.

Greek Bishop Ierotheos receiving the Covid Pfizer vaccine. While he was not the first (the first to receive the vaccine was a Greek female nurse), he send a strong message today. Greece has a high percent of Covid-deniers among Church members.


  1. God forgive and protect him from the side effects.

  2. COVID deniers? Wow what a loaded piece of propaganda that phrase is. Cannot we not just go by actual evidence that there are better ways to treat and protect from the disease than the vaccine!

  3. “when we are all vaccinated we can take our lives back”

    Yet there were no studies conducted to prove that the vaccine stops or even slows the spread of CV19. There’s no liability for the companies who rushed production using technology that has been banned for years because of the horrible results in animal trials, which they skipped this time, and the side effects are worse than the virus...

    We’ve already been told we don’t get our lives back even after the vaccine by Fauci and his ilk.

    They keep dangling the carrot and threatening the stick. “Just 15 days” “Just until the death count is manageable” “Just until summer” “Just until the infection rate is lower” “Just until the vaccine” “Just until 2022”

    Just until we say no more.

  4. Michael, please help me understand what he needs to be forgiven for? I ask this with love and sincerity. Tell me about the better ways to treat and protect from the virus. I used to work with children affected in utero by Rubella. I thank God that we do not have deaf, blind and disabled children from that cause anymore. Should we also not take the Rubella vaccine? I am truly confused. I am Orthodox Christian. I have never been aware of any conflict with science and medicine and Orthodoxy.

    1. Helen, part two: COVID IS A REAL DISEASE. Anything after that put out by the politicians is either misinformation or a lie. Nothing to do with science. In addition to what my father taught me I have long studied the history and philosophy of evil. The COVID campaign has all the hallmarks: fear and lies designed to centralize power and create a totalitarian state. As Orthodox Christians we have a duty of non-cooperation at the least.

      As to science: I have a friend who works in that fascinating world where chemistry, physics, quantum mechanics and astro-physics meet. She was doing an experiment with a Higgs Field some years ago and saw, in her words, the Death and Ressurection of Jesus Christ. Not an allegory but the real thing. She, being a scientist, went in search of a theology that explained her experimental results. She found the Orthodox Church.

      Real science and The Church have no conflict. The false religion of scientism is a false religion IMO.

      It is a very sophisticated false religion complete high priests, sacrifice and martyrs.

      Part III to follow

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. COVID IS A REAL DISEASE. Helen good questions. I am having some tech issues in supply links to the info on other modes of treatment/prophylaxis for COVID. As to your other question about science: my father was a leader in public health in this country from 1950 to 1973 at both the local and national levels. He was universally recognized as such by his peers. I know what good public health looks like. The COVID mess ain't it.

    There is a big difference between science and scientism. Combined with the propaganda masquerading as public health and the ideological agenda fueling that propaganda becoming a front man for that is a betrayal of the faith in numerous ways. If Met. Valchos wants to take the vaccine himself, while I think it is stupid risky that is his decision. Becoming part of the propaganda machine is not that is why I pray for his forgiveness.

    Scientism is a secular religion that is in direct conflict with the Church and Her people.

    More of this anon:

  7. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the diseased condition of Orthodox laymen and shown that many of us have dangerously conflated extreme positions and conspiracy theories with the teachings of Christ. While complaining about the Pope, they stubbornly cling to to the idolatry of their own opinions and put on many different hats in order to do so. One day they are an epididemologist, then the next a theologian and after that a prophet.

    What is missing of course from all of this is love and humility. The central Christian message to put others first ("If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and a servant of all") finds expression today in those who consider the well being of their neighboor and seek to help our communities overcome this public health crisis. These are the acts of mercy that draw the Grace of God and cause others to see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven. On the other hand, the conspiracy theorists and extremists who attack respected hierarchs will continue to bring shame and scandal to the Church as they have always done.

    1. Unknown. since I am an Orthodox layman who is offering an opinion that is outside the norm, I hope you are not referring to me. If you are, please have the courtesy and humility to address me specifically. Thank you.

    2. Yes, my comment applies to you as well.

    3. Great, it would be helpful to me to understand what you see specifically in what I say that fits your categories. I can guess, but I do not know you or anything about you so it would be a bad guess. I would like to address your concerns directly.

    4. "...One day they are an epididemologist, then the next a theologian and after that a prophet..."

      On on every other Tuesday, they are just plain nuts ;)

  8. Helen, here are some links to where you can find additional information on how to approach both treatment and protection from COVID:

    I also must point out that even FOX News had a recent article about the efficacy of Vitamin D as both a prophylaxis and treatment for COVID. Zinc and many other natural substances including elderberry juice are quite good a protecting the body against virus activity

    1. OH my! Never mind, I do not take medical advice from political sources. It is hard enough for people to vet information already. Michael, please don't add to the confusion.

    2. I encourage all to check out the option for early treatment to prevent and/or reduce the severity of COVID at the site of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons at There you will find a COVID handbook with links to telemedicine and telepharmacy. This pillar of early at home prevention. Or treatment after infection which is prominent in OTHER countries from their public health entities but NOT the US may be one reason their death rates are much lower than ours. A new paper mentioned published December 30 there explains all. See Table 1 and see what other countries are handing out to prevent the infection from becoming more serious to their citizens, while NOTHING is recommended much less given out for US Citizens.

      Why, you may well ask. Well, there is no vaccine liability for vaccine makers in the US (1986 law) and big pharma in the US (as opposed to any other country except New Zealand) is allowed to advertise directly to consumers and has become a chief advertiser on TV and factor in the NIH and on Capitol Hill. So notice that early treatment options offered at AAPS are for safe, repurposed, generic (CHEAP) medications which have been used for decades worldwide. There is therefore NO incentive for Big Pharma to invest in that research for COVID. Instead Big Pharma and their associates are emphasizing expensive vaccines and new medications for LATE stage illness. The poor and the vulnerable need and deserve the safe and cheap medications which AAPS discusses and which poor countries are giving out in home kits! See also the two US Senate Committee hearings Nov 19 and Dec 8 with links there as well.

      All Americans deserve to make informed choices and have all the options for their own healthcare. At least acquaint yourself with the legal and well-founded options. If you would like to try something very well studied around the world by these physicians and researchers to prevent or lessen the severity of infection EARLY (before the hospital), please do. Right now our public health folks offer NOTHING until we must go to the crowded ER and full hospitals....So seems wise to check it out, right? I’m an Orthodox physician and these docs and researchers have very good training, motives, and experience. . If you decide to take a vaccine, that is certainly your choice. But if you wish to do more earlier, why not take a look? Some skeptical docs have changed their minds after reviewing the information and you might do so as well. Nothing about politics. Just all about a good risk-benefit decision AND decades of safety information. Your choice of course!

      A Blessed New Year.



  9. I made the decision early on, after prayer and contemplation to NOT give into fear regarding the virus. My life or death is not in my hands after all. As Shakespeare so aptly put it: "If it be now, it is not to come; if it is not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, it will come. The readiness is all."

    I pray for myself and others that when it does come, I shall be ready and have a painless, blameless and peaceful repose with a good defense before the dread judgement seat of Christ.

    I pray that for myself those I love, and all others as well.

    The worst part of the COVID response is the fear. Our Lord commands us not to be afraid.

    "Isaiah 41:10 - Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

    It is not always easy because each day almost everywhere is the message; FEAR, FEAR FOR SURELY YOU WILL DIE! ONLY (insert name of secular savior) HAVE THE POWER TO SAVE YOU.

    Yet COVID is real. The postmistress for the small rural community in which I live and her husband have COVID. The small business where my wife and work has had two cases--fortunately mild. So, I take Elderberry Juice daily from Wyldewood Cellars Winery as it is the only 100% elderberry on the market that I am aware of. I have started taking 50,000 units of Vit D daily.

    But i do not fear. Fear itself will do more harm to my soul than any disease or death. "I have overcome the world" John 16:33

  10. Dear all, I apologize for giving Michael a forum. Forgive me. Bits of truth do not make nonsense true. Thank you, Unknown, for your comment.

    1. Helen, I am sorry for increasing your fear. What about what I said do you find untrue?

    2. It's alright Helen. Orthodoxy has it's little 'Vernon Florida' side as as well ;)

    3. Michael my fear has not increased. I am cautious in a normal healthy way.

      Jake, Thanks for the chuckle. Yes, any and every strange idea or behavior that exists in the world, also exists in Orthodox people. Some of those people are bishops and priests. I used to be puzzled over the saying "the road to hell is paved with bishops and priests." I am no longer puzzled, these many years later.

    4. Helen may the joy and protection of our Lord be with you.

  11. Certainly Michael, let's anatomize the delusional nature of your replies to Helen:

    -Public rebuke of a bishop ("stupid" behavior, "may God forgive him"). And this over taking a vaccine!

    -Accepting and advertising somebody's supposed vision of the Resurrection. Could it have been their imagination? Who knows. That's why the Church teaches us not to trust these things and certainly not to spread them around lest we fall into prelest.

    -Dispensing medical advice and attempting to establish credentials in the field of public health management

    These are the signs of someone who should seek help, not offer it. So dial it down a little bit and try to make room for other perspectives because otherwise the title of Pope of the East awaits you in the future.

    (sorry if this does not get posted in sequence)

  12. Ok thank you for your honesty. I agree with you on the public rebuke of a bishop as "stupid". I should have done that.

    I was not dispensing medical advice just sharing alternative medical advice that I that I consider valuable which I received from an Orthodox doctor who is much more qualified than I am. I shared the same info with my priest and he thought well of it.

    "By their fruits you shall know them". The person in question saw the Resurrection has made no claim of a special status and has humbly sought to learn from the Church. But it was a watershed moment for her. In kind not unlike Paul and even Met Anthony Bloom. I mention it only to illustrate that science and the Church are not opposed. However The Church is higher than science on the truth spectrum. The Church is not as distrustful of direct experience as you seem to think as long as humble obedience to practice and doctrine is the result. Everybody else I know who is aware of her story is deeply moved by it because of what it reveals about the nature and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have told the story out of awe to multiple priests. Not one has rebuked me.

    I made no pleading of expertise in matters of public health just experience. Indeed my father's work and the philosophy behind it had a great deal to do with both my brother and I coming to the Church.

    Your criteria could be used to discredit anyone simply because they disagree with you.

    It is a bit over the top to call someone deluded from a brief and highly biased (on both sides) internet exchange. Matthew 5:22 comes into play here just as it does for my intemperate
    characterization of Met Vlachos.

    I will leave "Pope of the East" to someone else.

    You might try reading Henry Adams a great American historian of the 19th century as a primer on the nature of governments and power. He was the Grandson and Great Grandson of two of the early Presidents of the US.

    I will say that I suspect as Hamlet did of his friend Horatio "there is more to heaven and earth than is dreamed of in your philosophy"

    Please forgive me for causing you concern and for overstepping as regards the Bishop.

    Please pray for me.

    1. You can take the vaccine Mr. Unknown. I will not.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Dear Michael Bauman,

      Thank you for your contribution. I have seen much of the same information from reputable medical professionals that you have posted here. There are also holy Orthodox hierarchs who are telling us not to surrender to the fear and control. God have mercy on us all.

    5. "The Church of Cyprus studied the issue and consulted with medical experts and its position is that those who wish to be vaccinated are free to do so. There is nothing unChristian here." - Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol, Dec19/20

    6. There is much unChristian here.

  13. No need to apologize to me since I am not the one you attacked. Please seek forgiveness from those whom you have attacked.

    I have nothing against you. It cannot be any other way if we wish to participate in the divine life and be made worthy of the true vaccine and medicine of immortality, the Holy Mysteries.

  14. Honestly, this was one of the bishops I've been wanting to see what he would do. The other one being Metropolitan Nicholas of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki.

    I have no problems with vaccines, in general. I have a concern about how this vaccine works and has come into play.


      Food for thought. Henry Adams said it first by about 100 years in his little essay "The Rule of Phase as Applied to History"

      It is in his collection of essays: "The Degradation of the Democratic Dogma" you can download and read it on Goodreads. It has been designated as a book "of cultural significance".

    2. Micheal,

      That summary of Del Noce's thought by Lancellotti is really good, if you have the philosophical inclination and/or patience for it. Lancellotti unfortunately writes like the mathematician he is.

      What it has to do with your anti-vaccination stance I have no idea, but perhaps that was not your point.

    3. Jake, good thoughtful questions but you generalize. I do not like the COVID vaccine. I think it is a mistake to take it. I am saddened by a bishop, any bishop being used in (at best) a marketing campaign to convince others to take it. I do not like the way it is distributed.

      I have taken vaccines all of my life. Some I do not take, others I am open to.

      This one is fear driven, not well tested and has already caused some significant problems for many who have received it. The principle of Informed Consent violated.

      Nothing about the COVID response passes my smell test.

      It smells too much of the totalitarian mind for my taste.

      That is where the essay on the technological basis for the new totalitarianism comes in. That is where Henry Adams comes in.

      The info on the APPS site is medically valid and not kookie in any way. Far less kookie than Orthodoxy is compared to the rest of Christianity for instance.

      I upset some folks because I failed to articulate well. I am deeply saddened by that.

      Even so the response to me was ad hominum. Even the teaching of my Dad, a recognized authority in public health, a Harvard MPH and an MD who finished in the top 5% of his class is ridiculed. I was simply attempting to share some of his approach to public health Why the immediate jump to the ad hominum?

      I can only say, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.

    4. Michael,

      You and I have known each other for years in the Ortho-blogosphere (e.g. I am "Christopher" on Fr. Stephen's blog). I am going to be completely honest: Your nose must be off, Vaccinations are simply put relatively uncontroversial in medicine, despite what the tech driven anti-vaxer delusion will say. They are clinically and scientifically well understood, both in their mechanism and their epidemological characteristics.

      Of course there is a "marketing campaign" by rational bishops, politicians, medical community, and most other responsible people in our society/culture and others such as Greece. Unfortunately its necessary because passions and the very "fear driven" anti-vaxer movement that thrives on half truths and passionate extremism found all over the internet and modern media. That Lancellotti essay points to the source of these errors more than it points to some conspiracy behind vaccines in general or this one in particular. Your judgement in this matter is selective, ill informed, and an expression of the very passionate individualism you have decried for years. I am disappointed with you. What you "like" in this matter, your judgement as to testing/efficacy, and the rest is nothing compared to the loss of life (300,000 excess deaths so far and counting - a nuclear bomb over my hometown of Tulsa), and your family connections don't somehow justify your error(s).

      If this comes across as harsh so be it. Have the humility to recognize that neither you (nor George, nor conspiratorial anti-vaxers) are authorities - your amateur epidemology does not pass the smell test, not even a little tiny bit.

      Not sure what that APPS has to do with an anti-vax philosophy, as it appears to be rather technical treatment strategy done in hospital when this Wuhan pneumonia is doing its damage. This vaccine make such measures quite rare in 6 months...

    5. Jake actually the AAPS (American Association of Physicians & Surgeons) information on early treatment is primarily about treatment prior to infection and shortly after, that period when NIH presently is offering no treatment. The US Senate Committee hearings on it November 19 and December 8 elaborate, with excellent witnesses. Those ravaged by COVID in the hospital are late in the infection process. These physicians and researchers want to prevent the infection from taking hold by using repurposed, safe generic medications dispensed in other countries with a much lower death rate per capita. Table 1 of the review article with 57 physicians internationally below in the “Stem the tide” link shows what these other countries are handing out in their public health kits, but NOT the United States. I hope you will check out the two Senate hearings in full along with the COVID handbook and protocols at As our Orthodox protodeacon mentioned recently, it’s really too bad that this information is “under propagated.” Amen.

    6. Troon,

      Yes I must have clicked wrongly last week as I see the article. As you are aware correlation is not causation (i.e. other countries mortality vs. ours, etc.) but what is the harm of (for most) of these treatments? Thanks.

    7. And they actually have over 30 world-wide studies showing good results from using the protocols listed on the site. Their conclusions would save the poor and vulnerable especially but do not benefit vaccine makers or new emergency expensive medications in research. Our country and the. Medical profession have been harmed and compromised by Big Pharma and Big Tech which now control even the information about science and medicine which formerly flowed freely to benefit all. A very sad day for me and many physicians who grieve at the end of medicine as we once practiced and shared information freely for the good of the patient (not the company or hospital corporation or our “employer”). Lord have mercy.

    8. You point to some very important aspects Troon. The American 'Medical Industrial Complex' is certainly real. Behind and enabling Big Pharma and Big Tech is Big Government (Medicare et al.) and Big Insurance. It's what the American people want however, and what they are being given by politicians who speak of 'affordable, universal, compassionate' and the like reform. People desire a free lunch and vote for those who (falsely) promise it. Christianly we know it is a great mercy of God to most of the time not get what we deserve, but America is increasingly getting the healthcare it deserves.

      Just thoughts prompted by yours.

    9. Hopefully we as Christians can share mercifully what might help our fellow icons of Christ who have not had the benefits of our Faith Tradition. Our culture is so dehumanizing now and fear-producing and if we share some easy and effective methods which can lessen the fear and the disease’s impact, how lovely and harmonious for us all...Hoping you will consider. Most folks simply don’t know about these options and every time I hear of a death from COVID after dreadful suffering, I sorrow. At least if people know, they can make an informed decision, so we are respecting them while loving them. At least that’s all I can see to do besides pray! Hope you are yours are well and peaceful.

  15. Stem the tide of COVID hospitalizations and deaths: ~ article from the American Association of Physicians & Surgeons

    1. Dear Michael Bauman and Troon,

      Thank you so much for posting this link to the AAPS download. It has some great and useful information!


    Detention of possible disease spreaders

    1. Are you a(radical, or any other kind) libertarian Michael?

    2. Lord have mercy! This new law reeks of communism! Karl Marx is alive and well.
      Many more people will be moving out of New York.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Jake, I am not an idealog of any stripe. My political philosophy can be approached through Mt 25:40, the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution and the method of a former Attorney General of the State of Kansas, Vern Miller.

    The rest I will leave you to figure out. If you have specific questions after researching, I will be happy to reply.

    1. This is coy of you Michael. Why did you link the NY bill specifically? How do you tie together federalism with Christ's specific commandment in St. Mathew, and what do these things have to do with your anti-vaxer philosophy?

    2. Jake, one last time, I do not have an anti-vax philosophy.

      I oppose the COVID vaccines. Esp the the Pfizer one.

      Until you recognize that, the rest would not mean a lot.

      From my point of view, you put people in boxes that I do not fit in. The very diverse keystones I gave you is but one indication that I am not in a box.

      I will give you one more principle that is the foundation for it all. It came from my parents. The following iteration came from my Dad. It was his prime operational principle for his unique and creative work as a leader in public health. That and his MD and MPH:
      "Life and health are ecological. Ecology is the interrelationship between an organism and its environment. That inter-relationship means that anything experienced by any one effects everybody else. Improve the health of one person, the health of everyone is improved."

      He had seven additional ones but if you do not understand #1 the rest will not matter. It has been my experience that the vast majority of people do not understand it. Shoot, it took me about 35 years to begin to get it.

      One last political principle of mine: "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."

      Forgive me a sinner.


    This is a primer on Vern Miller to make it easier. Just do not mistake his party affiliation for anything recognizable today.

  20. Jake, Thank you for your questions. They have been quite helpful to me. They required me to think. I was not being coy with my earlier reply. I was hoping you would think too. Our God is not a God of boxes. My parents did not think or act in boxes.

    That way of thinking helped prepare both my brother and me for the Church.

    May He bless you with an abundance of joy and mercy this year.


    May God forgive and grant us mercy


  23. Michael,

    Blessings on your and yours as well. I still don't see the relevancy of your links to vaccination/covid ;) Off topic however it is interesting how well so many in the "Russian Church Abroad" clearly saw the secularization of not only western church/culture (that's easy to see) but still naively and stubbornly clinged to a nostalgic Czar led "true" Christendom that whatever its past reality - I don't think it was ever what is was purported to be - was simply not reality then, is not now, and will not return.

    Fr. Tryphon is more sober about the Christ vs/and Culture (or "politics"), but then he backed Fr. Robert Arida when the latter published his homesexualist essay on the OCA youth blog, so his judgement around these issues is suspect for me.

    1. Jake there is a romanticism concerning monarchial government within the Church. Not unlike those who cling to the virtue of democracy.

      Good government does not depend on the the correctness of the ideology but on the virtue of the people doing the governing.

      A system that is corrupt, as ours is and has been since at least Andrew Jackson will eat up good people even if they get elected or otherwise gain power.

      An example from my very own Congressional District here in Kansas: Todd Tiahart. Congressman from 1995 to 2011. During his time in office I saw the change in the man, a darkening. He also lost a son to suicide during that time.

      Without a strong Christian community, a seasoned spiritual guide and a bed rock commitment to repent, no one's soul will last long in governing. Parties, ideology and money make it virtually impossible.

      Often we are reduced to "the lesser of two evils". As my son says: "The lesser of two evils is still evil".

      We live in evil times, my brother, Yeats poem, 'The Second Coming', describes the world very well. Repentance is the key to the survival of one's soul. A long Lenten Journey of repentance, prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The powerful can kill us at any time.

      As to the rest, I have shared the building blocks. I can do no more unless you want to go somewhere for a evening an just talk over tea or something. Then we might be able to enter into each other's imagination and see more.

      Repentance is the seed of joy.

    2. Micheal,

      I would love to sit and have a tea (or a meal, or a beer) with you! However I am in southern New Mexico and you are in Kansas last I remember. I seem to recall you attending the yearly Eighth day Institute gathering in the past, so perhaps there after all the pandemic as I would like to make the next one if possible.

    3. I meant to append 'Christopher' to that last post ;)

    4. There is an Eighth Day Institute meeting this year but probably virtually.

    5. I just looked it up Michael, it's next week and is in person:

    6. Jake, I will not be there. There is a Zoom meeting of The Fellowship of St. Moses the Black on the 16th.

      BTW my grandfathe's 1905 homestead was just west of Lincoln County. My grandparents, my Dad and his older brother lived in a sod hut when they first occupied the 160 acres.
      It was in that vast expanse of dry prairie that my Dad became aware of God.
      My mother, too, had her initial encounter with God in Taos in 1908.
      You live in a Holy land my brother.

    7. Sorry, my mother's encounter was in 1928.

  24. Pithy intro to at home early treatment of COVID ~ 15 min video by Peter McCullough MD (Vice Chair Internal Medicine Baylor Hosp Dallas) with pithy explanation of virus, treatments and visual of what meds, supplements and equipment one needs at home. Filmed on his 10th day at home in self-quarantine on the protocol with COVID


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