Friday, January 12, 2024

Antiochians in UK clear: Corrective baptisms = being deposed

On the 9th of this month Metropolitan Silouan of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of the British Isles and Ireland put out some clear directives on how people should be brought into the Church. Of the many things it deals with, of great import is the current practice of "corrective baptisms." It is cause for no little confusion and outrage in the US and I am heartened to see a hierarch handle it head on. The full document is available here (PDF).

The topic is hotly debated online and quotations are thrown around like projectiles. My opinion, for those interested, is clear: As heterodox bodies drift further and further away from orthodoxy it becomes less and less tenable for us to accept sacraments in any form outside of it. Eventually we will come to a place where every convert starts "from scratch." Still, if the bishop says you are to be received thus and you agree and are chrismated you did in fact accept the guidance of that hierarch. Deciding that you now know better than he does and go elsewhere to "fix" the problem, imperils you and the person baptizing you. The time to "demand" baptism is when you complete your catechumenate, not after you have been a communicant for months or years. Again, my opinion only.

As I will continue to say: This is the very thing the episcopal assembly in the United States should be doing, but it is replete with committees who produce nothing and resolve nothing. It would almost be better if they didn't exist so that it didn't give the illusion that there was a place that things were being handled so that no forward motion happens in reality.

Some recently have been endorsing "corrective baptism," a baptism after reception in the Orthodox Church by Chrismation. This is encouraged in some monasteries (including Mt. Athos) and perhaps in some jurisdictions. The practice of corrective baptism is forbidden in the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of the British Isles and Ireland. Any lay person who receives a corrective baptism will be excommunicated and a clergyman will be deposed. This is a serious offence breaking the unity of the Church and as such, is dealt with in an uncompromising manner. Any person who receives a corrective baptism is not eligible for ordination in the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of the British Isles and Ireland.



  1. It's well past time. Perhaps this is the beginning of a beginning of all (this is Orthodoxy, so most) hierarchs in the various "jurisdictions" clarifying this issue.

    The corrective baptism fad as near as I can tell is driven by very online (and thus very individualistic and theologically ignorant) >35 year old men who string together proof texts of Fathers with "therefores" claiming they are doing theology/praxis. In my parish it has only been brought up by just such men as far as I am aware, and they cite the usual online sources and (Heers, etc.).

    I agree with our host that 'a time may come', but such discernment is for the (Spirit of) the Church and not de facto heresiarchs wondering around America, in Greece, or wherever...

    1. I meant to say 'less than': " <35 year old men..."

  2. Here, here! Until Heers had brought this up, I had only heard of this in Old Calendarist circles. The implication has always been that some Orthodox churches are incomplete for their "ecumenism". Good to see it being dealt with.

  3. Good news and overdue. FWIW I also agree with BTs assessment that accepting the sacraments of non-Orthodox confessions is problematic, at best, given where most of them are. But the bishop has the final say on these things. Corrective baptism is almost always a flagrantly schismatic act. I do not know what Fr. Heers' current relationship is with the church. But if he is in fact promoting this sort of thing, it needs to stop.

    1. " I do not know what Fr. Heers' current relationship is with the church. But if he is in fact promoting this sort of thing, it needs to stop...."

      Yes, he is propounding this sort of thing (see ).

      Also Who is his bishop? He does not have one (and has not since residing in America these last 6 years (going from memory on how long he has been back), and is not "retired" or teaching/writing/baptizing under any canonical authority.

      Let us be honest and drop the "Father"...Pastor Heers (as he is an individualist pseudo-Protestant in ecclesiology based on what he *does*, not what he says) or perhaps "prophet" Heers is the more correct designation...

  4. Can't find this on any official source, but it looks like Bishop Peter of Chicago (ROCOR) has also condemned Fr. Peter and "corrective baptism" in September 2023.
